Things You Should Know About Blue Meanie Mushrooms

 Have you ever wondered how you are supposed to identify mushrooms? Well, the most accepted feature while identifying mushrooms is whether they bleed or bruise a specific color. Some mushrooms will change their color when injured or damaged. Therefore, cutting a mushroom to see whether any color change has taken place or not is important while determining what it is.

Identifying Mushroom Through Bruising

In this technique, you will need to check for bruising by nicking the cap's bottom and top. See if there is any color change. You need to do it within half an hour after picking. The results won't be so reliable unless the mushrooms are fresh.

In the case of blue meanie mushrooms, the blue spot on the underside of Boletus quercetin on the right is the mark that you should look for. The discoloration is because of bruising. It will appear as if someone has pressed a finger into it. The change in the color is due to a chemical reaction when certain compounds present in the mushroom's cell wall are exposed to air. The moment there is a scratch or a cut on the cap, and the cell walls break, oxygen in the air mingles with the compounds inside, leading to color change.

The above reaction happens in the case of blue meanies mushroom when it is exposed to the air. The variegated acid present in the mushroom gets converted to quinone methide, which is a blue-colored molecule. There are a lot of varieties of blue bruising mushrooms. The thumb rule is that you are not supposed to eat having a red pore surface with blue bruises. Many of the blue mushrooms are poisonous, so you better be careful before you eat any.

People also believed that blue mushrooms are safe and can be eaten, while some varieties are hallucinogenic. The bolete rule is an indication that it is not entirely true. This myth is a clear example of why mushroom identification through bruising only is incomplete. There are also varieties of the blue meanie mushroom that have a milky liquid substance. It is emitted when the mushroom is cut. It is not the mushroom's blood but a natural latex that is produced if the mushroom gets injured.

For those who are into the spiritual aspect of mushrooms, they can consider going for mazatapec mushroom sporeswhich is believed to be a magic mushroom in Mexico. This particular mushroom delivers a powerful spiritual journey and is also supposed to have magical powers.

For More Info:-

high quality mushrooms online


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