Know Your Magic Mushrooms for Better Results

 Magic mushroom is the term used for defining the strain of mushrooms containing psilocybin. It is the specific chemical that is responsible for delivering the hallucinogenic effect upon consumption. Magic mushrooms are, therefore, famous for delivering the powerful psychedelic experiences when you consume the same in any form. There are several types of magic mushrooms available out there.

Depending on the psilocybin content and other factors, some of the famous strains of magic mushrooms are:

· Costa Rica Mushroom: The strain is quite famous in the South America region. This mushroom is famous for delivering a highly warm spiritual experience. In the common psychonaut community, the given mushroom strain is highly renowned for delivering light hallucination visually, warm energy, and generating feelings of love & deep connection socially. It is a great option for those who are only starting out.


· Colombian Rust Mushroom: First discovered in Colombia, the given strain of mushroom depicts the Cubensis mushroom type. It is one of the stronger varieties of the given strain. Due to its dark-brown cape color, the mushroom also receives the name as Colombian Rust Mushroom. The given strain contains the magic mushroom culture. The mushroom gradually leaves its influence on the consumer. It is highly suitable for the beginners.


· Nepal Chitwan Mushroom: It is one of the most sought-after strains of the cubensis magic mushroom category. These mushrooms are quite easy to produce, and therefore, these are readily available. Upon consuming the same, the consumers experienced mystical feelings throughout.


· Golden Teacher Mushrooms: Also referred to as the Psilocybin Cubensis strain, it is one of the most popular magic mushroom varieties out there. Its exact origins are still not known. However, it is highly renowned for its golden cap structure featuring specks of yellow all around. In comparison to other strains, these mushrooms feature larger caps and stems. The name of the mushroom has been derived from its capability of delivering amazing psychedelic experiences.


· Amazonian Cubensis: It is a highly potent member of the family of Psilocybin Cubensis. It is typically found in Central America. The given strain is famous for its high psychoactive content –especially psilocin and psilocybin. Its effect tends to last for around 6 to 8 hours at a stretch and might deliver varying effects.


Make the most of the best cubensis strain for visuals and other effects. Get access to top-class magic mushrooms for your divine experiences.

For more info:- Magic Mushrooms USA

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